MELTS Software Users

MELTS for Excel, rhyolite-MELTS (GUI) and alphaMELTS => The MELTS family of algorithms, and scientific discussion => Topic started by: WillDSmith95 on December 29, 2021, 08:36:48 AM

Title: Processing of alphaMELTS 1.9 data
Post by: WillDSmith95 on December 29, 2021, 08:36:48 AM
Hi all,

My query is not focussed on using alphaMELTS, but how to manage the output files. I use VM alphaMELTS 1.9 via the VirtualBox program and typically work with the alphaMELTS_tbl file at the end of simulations.

I've spoken with a few users who, like myself, simply 'copy & paste' tabulated data from the tbl.txt files into Microsoft Excel to view the output data as one table and not as stacked tables. This process can become time-consuming.

So, I wondered if other users have a 'streamlined' way of compiling output data quickly? Perhaps a good method already exists out there.

Happy holidays!

Title: Re: Processing of alphaMELTS 1.9 data
Post by: Paula on December 30, 2021, 12:47:33 PM
Hi Will,

You could try column_pick, which will put together columns from different tables and align them where e.g. a phase is not present everywhere. It's a bit time consuming to set up the first time, but after that it is a quick way to make a single text file table that can be imported in Excel. I'd be happy to help get you going with it next week.

Happy New Year!
