MELTS Software Users

MELTS for Excel, rhyolite-MELTS (GUI) and alphaMELTS => Interactive operation => Melting processes => Topic started by: nbaxter on September 22, 2011, 08:31:57 AM

Title: Melting using PTpath and issues with pressure integral
Post by: nbaxter on September 22, 2011, 08:31:57 AM
I'm having some issues with Adiabat_1ph version 3. I'm trying to melt depleted mantle using a pressure/temperature path text file and I'm getting strange results. Why does the pressure integral produce melt compositions that are the same at every step (the composition is the same as the final integrated melt composition)? Also, what are the numbers highlighted in bold in the aggregate integral file? I also tried running the model without log fO2 set, but it still produced the same errors. I've probably missed something really simple or I've installed the program incorrectly. Hopefully, you can help me. Here are the input files:

Environmental File:
ADIABAT_PTPATH_FILE /Users/nichellebaxter/Desktop/Adbat3/NH_ptpath.txt
ADIABAT_MAXT +1300.587
ADIABAT_INTEGRATE_FILE NH_ptpath_bu_integrate

PT path file:
12301.7   1300.587
11978      1298.746
11654.3   1296.898
11330.6   1295.042
11006.8   1293.179
10683.1   1291.309
10359.4   1289.432
10035.6   1287.55
9711.9      1285.661
9388.17   1283.765
9064.44   1281.864
8740.71   1279.956
8416.98   1278.042
8093.25   1276.121
7769.52   1274.194
7445.79   1272.258
7122.06   1270.313
6798.33   1268.357
6474.6      1266.385
6150.87   1264.389
5827.14   1262.356
5503.41   1260.261
5179.68   1258.055
4855.95   1255.646
4532.22   1252.85
4208.49   1248.81

Title: Depleted MORB Mantle of Workmann & Hart 2005
Initial Composition: SiO2 44.71
Initial Composition: Al2O3 3.98
Initial Composition: Fe2O3 0.191
Initial Composition: FeO 8.008
Initial Composition: MnO 0.13
Initial Composition: MgO 38.73
Initial Composition: CaO 3.17
Initial Composition: Na2O 0.28
Initial Composition: Cr2O3 0.57
Initial Composition: TiO2 0.13
Initial Composition: NiO 0.24
Initial Composition: K2O 0.006
Initial Composition: P2O5 0.019
Initial Temperature: 1300.587
Initial Pressure: 12301.7
Log fO2 Path: -1FMQ

The model ran to completion and then I selected option 16 to create integrated melt compositions. Here are selected output files:

Pressure integral
P      F   SiO2_2D   TiO2_2D
12625.4   1573.74   0   53.3747   0.562774
12301.7   1573.74   0.00344351   53.3747   0.562774
11978   1571.9   0.0044529   53.3747   0.562774
11654.3   1570.05   0.00558695   53.3747   0.562774
11330.6   1568.19   0.00685825   53.3747   0.562774
11006.8   1566.33   0.00827971   53.3747   0.562774
10683.1   1564.46   0.00986086   53.3747   0.562774
10359.4   1562.58   0.0116116   53.3747   0.562774
10035.6   1560.7   0.0135417   53.3747   0.562774
9711.9   1558.81   0.015657   53.3747   0.562774
9388.17   1556.91   0.0179675   53.3747   0.562774
9064.44   1555.01   0.0204849   53.3747   0.562774
8740.71   1553.11   0.0232258   53.3747   0.562774
8416.98   1551.19   0.0262164   53.3747   0.562774
8093.25   1549.27   0.0294931   53.3747   0.562774
7769.52   1547.34   0.0331083   53.3747   0.562774
7445.79   1545.41   0.0371327   53.3747   0.562774
7122.06   1543.46   0.041668   53.3747   0.562774
6798.33   1541.51   0.0468581   53.3747   0.562774
6474.6   1539.53   0.0498903   53.3747   0.562774
6150.87   1537.54   0.0548304   53.3747   0.562774
5827.14   1535.51   0.0637795   53.3747   0.562774
5503.41   1533.41   0.0750565   53.3747   0.562774
5179.68   1531.2   0.0823631   53.3747   0.562774
4855.95   1528.8   0.0963591   53.3747   0.562774
4532.22   1526   0.113153   53.3747   0.562774

Aggregate Integral
P   T   F   SiO2   TiO2
12301.7   1573.74   0.00344351   4.94066e-323   4.94066e-323
12301.7   1573.74   6.89E-03   26.6873   0.281387
11978   1571.9   0.00789641   30.0988   0.317356
11654.3   1570.05   0.00903047   33.0218   0.348176
11330.6   1568.19   0.0103018   35.5334   0.374659
11006.8   1566.33   0.0117232   37.6967   0.397468
10683.1   1564.46   0.0133044   39.56   0.417114
10359.4   1562.58   0.0150551   41.1664   0.434052
10035.6   1560.7   0.0169852   42.5537   0.448679
9711.9   1558.81   0.0191005   43.7521   0.461315
9388.17   1556.91   0.0214111   44.7905   0.472264
9064.44   1555.01   0.0239284   45.6936   0.481786
8740.71   1553.11   0.0266693   46.483   0.490109
8416.98   1551.19   0.02966   47.1779   0.497436
8093.25   1549.27   0.0329366   47.7944   0.503936
7769.52   1547.34   0.0365518   48.3463   0.509755
7445.79   1545.41   0.0405762   48.845   0.515014
7122.06   1543.46   0.0451115   49.3004   0.519815
6798.33   1541.51   0.0503016   49.7208   0.524248
6474.6   1539.53   0.0533338   49.9285   0.526438
6150.87   1537.54   0.0582739   50.2207   0.529518
5827.14   1535.51   0.067223   50.6406   0.533946
5503.41   1533.41   0.0785   51.0333   0.538087
5179.68   1531.2   0.0858066   51.2327   0.540189
4855.95   1528.8   0.0998026   51.5331   0.543356
4532.22   1526   0.116596   51.7983   0.546153

Again, there must be something I'm missing about the melt integration step. Hopefully you can help. I look forward to your reply! Thanks!

Title: Re: Melting using PTpath and issues with pressure integral
Post by: Paula on September 22, 2011, 12:40:53 PM
Hi Nichelle,

It sounds like you are doing everything right but have run into a couple of bugs, sorry.  We discovered them last week but I just managed to track down the causes yesterday.  I am going to put up release 3.1 very soon but I'm just fixing up / adding a couple of other things first.  In the meantime, if you let me know your operating system I can send you a link to the corrected executable.

Thanks for letting us know about the problem(s).

Title: Re: Melting using PTpath and issues with pressure integral
Post by: nbaxter on September 23, 2011, 07:33:36 AM
Thanks for your quick reply! I have a Mac OS X 10.6.8 .
