I use the windows p-MELTs package and meet the input file error. The file_format.command can't be executed in windows OS. So how to solve this problem?
Hope for reply.
Hi Sen,
If the program says it cannot open the file then it probably means that it cannot find the file in the directory where the program is running. How are you running run_alphamelts.command (or alphamelts)? Are you double-clicking run_alphamelts.command or using the command prompt?
file_format.command is for fixing line endings e.g. if you download a Mac or Linux input file and want to use it on Windows. In most cases run_alphamelts.command and alphamelts should work fine, even with incorrect line endings. But if file_format.command cannot be executed then that suggests that the alphamelts package is not installed completely. Did you get any errors or warnings when you ran install.command?