I am outputting an integrated melt file by allowing the term
in my environment file. It outputs the data to the allocated filename no problem but there are no column headers so I do not actually know what the data is. I have also tried running the same model interactively rather than in batch mode and using option 16 to see if that solves the problem but that crashed the program.
Any ideas
Many Thanks
Hi Christina,
There aren't any column headers as that file is just an intermediate file in case alphamelts crashes before the melting run (option 4) finishes. It contains the information that option 16 uses to create the output file of aggregated melts described in the documentation; if you go directly to option 16 after option 4 then this information is stored in memory and you don't need the ALPHAMELTS_INTEGRATE_FILE.
When you restart alphamelts to do option 16 then you read in a melts file, which triggers some required setting up and also tells alphamelts what the column headers would be (specifically the order of any trace elements). However, we recently found a bug in the public version that means that alphamelts crashes when trying to do this restart method. I've fixed it but not had time since to build the various versions and do the necessary documentation, website editting etc. to get the new version (which also contains other bug fixes and new options in the assimilation routines) online.
I'm not sure whether the bug fix will help for a crash when going to option 16 straight after option 4 (i.e. bypassing the ALPHAMELTS_INTEGRATE_FILE). It is worth a try though. Let me know what platform you are on and I'll send you the beta version. If it still crashes you can send me the files to recreate the problem and I'll track it down.
Hi Paula
I am running alphamelts on activeperl on a PC running windows 7 x64.
Many thanks
Hi Paula,
I'm having the same problem with alphamelts crashing when I try to create the integrated melt file. Right now I'm doing my own integration calculation anyway, but I'd like to be able to check it against the alphamelts routine results to make sure what I'm doing is right. Any chance I could get that beta version from you...? :)
Running on Mac OS X 10.8.4.