MELTS Software Users

MELTS for Excel, rhyolite-MELTS (GUI) and alphaMELTS => Interactive operation => Melting processes => Topic started by: xuyingkui on July 08, 2013, 12:59:21 AM

Title: Need PGE alculation during partial melting MELTS file‏
Post by: xuyingkui on July 08, 2013, 12:59:21 AM
Recently, I want to calculate the PGE variation during different degree of partial melting using the program MELTS. The calculation is based on the melting of a garnet lherzolite mantle at 30 kbars. PGE content, and S, sulfur solubilities, and PGE partition coefficients (Dsul/sil) is needed as the main parameters.

However, it is very difficult to find the right MELTS file contain such variables. I find a similar calculation in this paper:

Naldrett, A.J., 2010. Secular Variation of Magmatic Sulfide Deposits and Their Source Magmas. Economic Geology: v. 105, pp. 669-688.

I had write to the author, He didn't reply by far. So, I am writing to ask for such MELTS file here.

Would you please send it to me? My email is:

Thank you so much for you attention and help!
Title: Re: Need PGE alculation during partial melting MELTS file‏
Post by: xuyingkui on July 10, 2013, 09:50:58 PM

I had received your detail email about my question!
Thank you so much for your help!

best wishes,
