I am using the isentropic_melt.dat example commands file that came with v1.7. The program runs fine with the default settings but I want to do isentropic calculations with an oxygen buffer. I uncommented ADIABAT_IMPOSE_FO2 but it doesn't make any difference to the results. Why?
Hi Lisa,
To get ADIABAT_IMPOSE_FO2 to work you need to remove the '!', like you did, but you also need to give the variable a value, like 'true'. Some environment variables in adiabat_1ph have to be set to a certain type of value (e.g. ADIABAT_DELTAT must be some kind of number) but many are just switches between 'TRUE' and 'FALSE' and can take any kind of value. In adiabat_1ph, any environment variable that is unset or has no value is 'FALSE' and any environment variable that has a value is 'TRUE'. So, for example, if you put either of the following in your commands_file they will be 'TRUE':
...but all of these will be 'FALSE':
Hope that helps!