is there a step-by-step for doing AFC with Rhyolite-MELTS? Is there a wait to create an input file for both the original liquid, as well as the assailant?
So actually I found sample problem 3 (http://melts.ofm-research.org/Manual/Melts-Guide/pages/sample3.html). But my question is now after I've put in all the assailant information the instructions run out and after I hit done nothing happens - no assimilation occurs.
Hi Lisa,
Pressing "Done" sets up the assimilant but doesn't actually do the equilibration. You need to go back to the "Commands" menu and choose "Execute". If you do Commands->Save (or Save As) before Execute, you will see the the format of the input file with both original liquid and assimilant, which will save you having to go through the assimilant pop up again.