Hi everyone,
Does anybody know how H20 and CO2 are implemented in melts? How was wondering actually what are the differences between melts and volatilecalc... I am trying to calculate different physical properties of magmas and would like to get the saturation pressure for volatiles (eg at which pressure a vapor phase forms) and I was wondering if Melts or Volatilecalc is more appropriated for this kind of calculation.
Thank you!
Hi Alberto,
Do you mean Rhyolite-MELTS or alphaMELTS? I'd need to check the Ghiorso & Gualda, 2015 (http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00410-015-1141-8) paper but I'm pretty sure all the data that went into VolatileCalc was included in the Rhyolite-MELTS+H2O+CO2 calibration.
If you are using alphaMELTS (which doesn't have Rhyolite-MELTS, though it's imminent) then you have a couple of options for performing volatile saturation calculations using GG15. There's MagmaSat (https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/magmasat/id923790122), which is a Mac app but there is a online web app (http://melts.ofm-research.org/CORBA_CTserver/GG-H2O-CO2.html) too. There are also python wrappers included with the newly open source MELTS code (https://gitlab.com/ENKI-portal/xMELTS). There are some Jupyter notebook examples, which don't do what you need but might point you in the right direction if you are familiar with python.
Hi Paula,
thank you very much for the detailed answer and sorry for the late reply. I will have a look into all this and let you know.
All the best,