A list of possible mineral phases that can be stabilised in the MELTS family of algorithms was requested ages ago (when I was on leave) and I totally forgot until now. So sorry for the delay in getting round to it...
The available solid solution phases and their end-members are listed below, in the order in which they are usually output. The solution models are exactly the same in the MELTS and pMELTS models (and therefore also in pHMELTS, which is based on pMELTS). For the relevant references see here (http://melts.ofm-research.org/CORBA_CTserver/phaseProp.html) and here (http://melts.ofm-research.org/CORBA_CTserver/Webservices/CTserverPLWS.html). Some of the end-member thermodynamic data differ slightly between MELTS and pMELTS, as described in Ghiorso
et al., 2002 (http://dx.doi.org/10.1029/2001GC000217).
- olivine
tephroite | Mn2SiO4 |
fayalite | Fe2+2SiO4 |
Co-olivine | Co2SiO4 |
Ni-olivine | Ni2SiO4 |
monticellite | CaMgSiO4 |
forsterite | Mg2SiO4 |
- garnet
almandine | Fe2+3Al2Si3O12 |
grossular | Ca3Al3Si3O12 |
pyrope | Mg3Al2Si3O12 |
- melilite
akermanite | Ca2MgSi2O7 |
gehlenite | Ca2Al2SiO7 |
Fe-akermanite | Ca2Fe2+Si2O7 |
soda-melilite | Na2Si3O7 |
- orthopyroxene (see note * (#post_amphibole); see note
| (#post_pyx))
diopside | CaMgSi2O6 |
clinoenstatite | Mg2Si2O6 |
hedenbergite | CaFe2+Si2O6 |
alumino-buffonite | CaTi0.5Mg0.5AlSiO6 |
buffonite | CaTi0.5Mg0.5Fe3+SiO6 |
essenite | CaFe3+AlSiO6 |
jadeite | NaAlSi2O6 |
- clinopyroxene (see note * (#post_amphibole); see note
| (#post_pyx))
diopside | CaMgSi2O6 |
clinoenstatite | Mg2Si2O6 |
hedenbergite | CaFe2+Si2O6 |
alumino-buffonite | CaTi0.5Mg0.5AlSiO6 |
buffonite | CaTi0.5Mg0.5Fe3+SiO6 |
essenite | CaFe3+AlSiO6 |
jadeite | NaAlSi2O6 |
- cummingtonite
cummingtonite | Mg7Si8O22(OH)2 |
grunerite | Fe2+7Si8O22(OH)2 |
- clinoamphibole (see note * (#post_amphibole))
cummingtonite | Mg7Si8O22(OH)2 |
grunerite | Fe2+7Si8O22(OH)2 |
tremolite | Ca2Mg5Si8O22(OH)2 |
- orthoamphibole (see note * (#post_amphibole))
cummingtonite | Mg7Si8O22(OH)2 |
grunerite | Fe2+7Si8O22(OH)2 |
tremolite | Ca2Mg5Si8O22(OH)2 |
- hornblende
pargasite | NaCa2Mg4AlAl2Si6O22(OH)2 |
ferropargasite | NaCa2Fe2+4AlAl2Si6O22(OH)2 |
magnesiohastingsite | NaCa2Mg4Fe3+Al2Si6O22(OH)2 |
- biotite
annite | KFe2+3Si3AlO10(OH)2 |
phlogopite | KMg3Si3AlO10(OH)2 |
- feldspar
albite | NaAlSi3O8 |
anorthite | CaAl2Si2O8 |
sanidine | KAlSi3O8 |
- nepheline
na-nepheline | Na4Al4Si4O16 |
k-nepheline | K4Al4Si4O16 |
vc-nepheline | Na3Al3Si5O16 |
ca-nepheline | CaNa2Al4Si4O16 |
- kalsilite
na-nepheline | Na4Al4Si4O16 |
k-nepheline | K4Al4Si4O16 |
vc-nepheline | Na3Al3Si5O16 |
ca-nepheline | CaNa2Al4Si4O16 |
- leucite
leucite | KAlSi2O6 |
analcime | NaAlSi2O5(OH)2 |
na-leucite | NaAlSi2O6 |
- spinel
chromite | Fe2+Cr2O4 |
hercynite | Fe2+Al2O4 |
magnetite | Fe2+Fe3+2O4 |
spinel | MgAl2O4 |
ulvospinel | Fe2+2TiO4 |
- rhm-oxide
giekelite | MgTiO3 |
hematite | Fe3+O3 |
ilmenite | Fe2+TiO3 |
pyrophanite | MnTiO3 |
- ortho-oxide
psuedobrookite | Fe3+2TiO5 |
ferropseudobrookite | Fe2+Ti2O5 |
karrooite | MgTi2O5 |
- alloy-solid
- alloy-liquid
* Note that in some MELTS software there is just one amphibole solid solution, rather than separate clino- and ortho- phases. Also, early releases of MELTS (e.g. prior to the development of the pMELTS algorithm) had a phase called 'pyroxene'. Although all current versions of MELTS have 'clinopyroxene' and 'orthopyroxene' you may see 'pyroxene' in some older documentation (http://melts.ofm-research.org/manual.html).
| Note that the compositions of the essenite, buffonite and alumino-buffonite end members mean that calculations for bulk compositions that contain just two of Fe
3, TiO
2 and Al
3 are likely to fail (e.g. no TiO
2 in the bulk requires that buffonite and alumino-buffonite cancel out exactly).
Although the solution models are the same in all the algorithms, the names of a few solid solutions differ between MELTS and pMELTS when using the graphical user interfaces (i.e. standalone MELTS, CORBA MELTS or Java MELTS):
MELTS name | pMELTS name |
nepheline | nepheline ss |
leucite | leucite ss |
kalcilite | kalcilite ss |
ortho-oxide | ortho oxide |
rhm-oxide | rhm oxide |
Note: alphaMELTS (and adiabat_1ph) can accept either form in files - its input routine replaces spaces or hyphens within phase names with underscores, before making any string comparisons. When entering phase names at the menu prompt (e.g. for phase diagram mode) use the MELTS form to avoid problems with spaces.
Note also: early releases of MELTS (e.g. prior to the development of the pMELTS algorithm) used what are now the pMELTS names so that the input file (http://melts.ofm-research.org/Melts-ftp/Morb.melts) that accompanies this old tutorial (http://melts.ofm-research.org/Manual/UnixManHtml/examples-test.html) will cause read errors if used in the current graphical user interfaces without modification.
The pure phases included in all versions of MELTS and pMELTS are shown below (the phases in brackets are the ones that appear immediately before and after, in case you are trying to anticipate the output order):
sphene | CaTiSiO5 | (olivine; garnet) |
aenigmatite | Na2Fe5TiSi6O20 | (clinopyroxene; cummingtonite) |
muscovite | KAl2Si3AlO10(OH)2 | (biotite; feldspar) |
quartz | SiO2 | (feldspar; tridymite) |
tridymite | SiO2 | (quartz; cristobalite) |
cristobalite | SiO2 | (tridymite; nepheline) |
corundum | Al2O3 | (leucite; rutile) |
rutile | TiO2 | (corundum; perovskite) |
perovskite | CaTiO3 | (rutile; spinel) |
whitlockite | Ca3(PO4)2 | (ortho-oxide; apatite) |
apatite | Ca4(PO4)3(OH) | (whitlockite; water) |
water | H2O | (apatite; alloy-solid) |
alphaMELTS (and adiabat_1ph) has these extra pure phases, as they are needed for the pHMELTS model. They all appear at the end of the output list:
andalusite | Al2SiO5 |
sillimanite | Al2SiO5 |
kyanite | Al2SiO5 |
coesite | SiO2 |
talc | Mg3Si4O10(OH)2 |
anthophyllite | Mg7Si8O22(OH)2 |
cordierite | Mg2Sl4SI5O18 |
lawsonite | CaAl2Si2O6(OH)4 |
antigorite | Mg48Si34O85(OH)62 |
chrysotile | Mg3Si2O5(OH)4 |
brucite | Mg(OH)2 |
Hope that helps. If you spot any errors or omissions please let me know.