As of July 22nd: I am in the process of documenting Adiabat_1ph 3 so that it may be released very soon. To that end I am posting some tips and examples etc.... This section from the old manual will eventually be updated and worked up into a more tutorial-style example.
First run adiabat_1ph using a melts_file for the assimilant composition starting at some much higher temperature. Try an isobaric batch crystallization calculation to the temperature you want the assimilant to be. If the minimization fails before you reach this temperature then run to the last good point; you may need to restart adiabat_1ph and / or set ADIABAT_SKIP_FAILURE. Use menu option 2 to set the temperature to the value you actually want for the assimilant and then save a restart_file using menu option 13. When you restart adiabat_1ph for the main assimilation calculation you will be asked whether you want to read in a text or binary file for the assimilant. For assimilation, the fO2 conditions will be the system ones (e.g. set at the menu or in a melts_file) and any fO2 buffer, or lack thereof, in the binary assimilant file will be ignored. See the section on ADIABAT_ASSIMILATE for more details.