Apple Silicon running native M1 chip PythonIf you install native arm64 Python via Miniforge or Homebrew then you will need to update to the latest alphaMELTS for MATLAB/Python (1.0.1 posted on June 29th, 2021) as that has a Universal libalphamelts.dylib file that should work on both native Apple Silicon and Intel. You need to install GSL with Homebrew.
- Copy and paste the install command from:
- When it is done, copy and paste the commands that the install script tells you to
- Type "brew install gsl"
Apple Silicon running Rosetta 2If you are running another Python (Anaconda, miniconda, possibly others) or if you are running MATLAB then you will need to install the Intel version of Homebrew, as at the time of writing these still all run through Rosetta 2. This is what worked for me:
- Type the following commands at the Terminal command line:
arch -x86_64 zsh
cd /usr/local
sudo mkdir Homebrew
curl -L | sudo tar xz --strip 1 -C Homebrew
sudo chown -R yourusername:wheel Homebrew
sudo ln -sf Homebrew/opt opt
Enter your normal user password if asked. Also, if you get a message that you need to change the ownership of the Homebrew directory at any point then just run the command it suggests.
- Finally type "/usr/local/Homebrew/bin/brew install gsl"
See for more information.