We are pleased to announce that a training school, "Empirical and Ab Initio Thermodynamic Models of Minerals and Melts", will be held at the Agricultural University of Athens, Athens, Greece, from 1st - 5th November, 2021, and is sponsored by the European Geosciences Union.
The training school, aimed at early career scientists, is on thermodynamic modeling of natural silicate liquids and their equilibria with minerals and fluids, combining two quite different but complementary intellectual approaches â€" macroscopic and atomistic. The macroscopic approach will be based on the MELTS family of thermodynamic minimization algorithms, whereas the atomistic approach will use ab initio molecular dynamics based on the ABINIT density functional theory package.
Introductory sessions will include talks describing the models and software, with short demonstrations. Practical sessions will aim to give participants first-hand experience using a variety of software interfaces. Examples from the morning sessions will generally be expanded on in the afternoons, and some special calculations will highlight features that are only available (or only convenient) on particular platforms.
Registration form
Information can be accessed here (https://sites.google.com/view/2ndmeltsgr (https://sites.google.com/view/2ndmeltsgr)), and a link to the registration form here (https://forms.gle/6ehRgCyV8WCsCYFNA (https://forms.gle/6ehRgCyV8WCsCYFNA)). Furthermore, please address any queries to the workshop organizer, Ioannis Baziotis (ibaziotis@aua.gr; ibaziotis@gmail.com).
Fees - Room and board
There is no registration fee, however, the participants will have to manage hotel accommodation for six nights - arrival on Sunday 31st Oct, 2021, and checking out on Saturday 6th Nov 2021. Participants will need to pay for the accommodation and then submit a claim to EGU. Upon the approval of the workshop, more details will be announced about the maximum amount to be reimbursed and the procedure for reimbursement by EGU.
Attendees should make their own arrangements for travel to and from Athens. This will generally involve flying into Athens airport, transfer to the city center (~1 hour via "Metro" or "Proastiakos" train). Details for the transportation schedule can be found here (https://www.athensairporttaxi.com/metro/timetable-to-airport).
Agenda may be scaled back or cancelled in case of small enrollment (<20 participants). Our ability to hold the workshop in-person also depends on continued recovery from CoVID-19 in the European Union; a final decision will be made whether to move to a virtual format by October 1.
One-day post-conference optional tour of the Lavrion area is planned for the last day of the training school.
Refreshments will be provided during the workshop for all participants. Meals are not covered but there are plenty of inexpensive places to eat around workshop`s venue, so you should allow approximately 30 â,¬ per day for subsistence.