alphaMELTS 1.9
This package contains the binaries, scripts, documentation and example files for
alphaMELTS, the public text-based front-end to the MELTS, pMELTS, and pHMELTS models.
A list of files in this package is included below; full explanations are in the
documentation. This is version 1.9; a brief change log is at the end of this file.
For more information see the alphaMELTS website, the forum and the GitList server:
The scripts and text files are open source, and may be download and editted under the
terms of the MIT License (
2004GC000816.pdf -- original software report from G-cubed
alphamelts_manual.pdf -- instructions for files and execution
alphamelts... (or alphamelts....exe) -- main executable
Perl scripts etc.
install.command -- to set up shortcuts, user's path etc.
update.command -- to update shortcuts for alphamelts executable only
run_alphamelts.command -- to run alphamelts
file_format.command -- to convert file formats between platforms
column_pick.command -- to process output
column_pick.m -- Matlab example used to call column_pick.command
Melts input files
McKenzie_ONions_DM.melts -- Depleted Mantle of McKenzie & O'Nions '91
McKenzie_ONions_PM.melts -- Primitive Mantle of McKenzie & O'Nions '91
Sun_McDonough_PM.melts -- Primitive Mantle of Sun & McDonough '89
Workman_Hart_DMM.melts -- Depleted MORB Mantle of Workman & Hart '05
Morb.melts -- test file from MELTS GUI (see tutorial on forum)
Amoeba.melts -- default standard errors used in amoeba routine
Example files
frac_xtal_env.txt -- example settings_file for run_alphamelts.command
(fractional crystallization example)
isentropic_melt_env.txt -- example settings_file for run_alphamelts.command
(adiabatic decompression melting example)
alphamelts_default_env.txt -- default environment in settings_file format
default_trace_data.txt -- default partition coeffs. & parameters
1.2 (March 1st 2012; see Adiabat_1ph 3.2)
- Fixed chi square output to file with Amoeba function
- Amoeba produces no file output, even if …SAVE_ALL is set
- Fixed recording of Amoeba model primary melt composition
- Option to save Amoeba starting guess after adjustment (e.g. for fO2)
- Replaced Adiabat_1ph names in files and scripts with alphaMELTS ones
- Renamed ADIABAT… environment variables to ALPHAMELTS…
1.3 (August 12th 2013)
- Bug fixed in …ALTERNATIVE_FO2 when liquid is present
- Metastable search (phase diagram mode) fixed; now automatically skips failure too
- Added missing 'T' label for temperature column in aggregated liquid file
- Minor changes to melts file input routine, including warning about fO2 buffer
- Fixed bug in isenthalphic assimilation
- Assimilant composition may be input as separate (liquid and) mineral phase files
- Added simple way to evaluate latent heat of crystallization
- Fixed bug when restarting alphamelts to calculate integrated melt
- Set PTpath line no. so run can be continued at exactly same place after failure
- Fixed various problems with automatic updates, particularly on 64-bit Windows
- Various fixes to Perl scripts and corrected typo in example settings file
1.3.1 (April 17th 2014)
- Fixed memory leaks that could cause segmentation faults in certain cirumstances
1.3.2 (May 23rd 2014)
- Fixed segmentation fault during file read if trace elements are off
- Imported corrected melilite file from Mark Ghiorso
- Option to return to menu if forget to turn off phase diagram mode
1.4 (July 14th 2014)
- Fixed bug that Paul found in flux melting routines
- Tweaks to subsolidus fO2-buffering make it less likely to hang
- Suppressed debugging output for nepheline and other phases
- Addition of 64-bit Windows version and Windows 8 support
- Minor updates to scripts, e.g. making path message clearer on Windows
- Added title to Morb.melts (see
1.4.1 (November 8th 2014)
- Fixed bug in cubicquad routine for aggregation of melt
- Upgraded check for updates routines on Linux and Mac
- 64-bit Linux binary is more backwards compatible
1.5 (August 8th 2015)
- Added a PTgrid mode and make all ALPHAMELTS_MODE variables case insensitive
- Added isograd 1 & 2 menu options (…METASTABLE_ISOGRAD deprecated)
- Changed behaviour of isograd 1 ('stable isograd') to have phase 'just in'
- Added find wet liquidus to isograd 2 (solids are still 'metastable isograd')
- Only assimilate MgO-bearing phases in reverse fractionation
- Updated opx to match Mark Ghiorso's version
- Fixed bug in choice of biotite models
- Fixed bug when minerals are assimilated as separate files with no fO2 buffer
- Updates to install.command to allow user to specify default settings file etc.
- Some support for tab completion within alphaMELTS
- Automatic mode with table file only executes table rows, not the template file
1.6 (June 23rd 2016)
- Allow constraints (e.g. isentropic) to be turned off temporarily with menu option
- Enabled chlorite model of Hunziker (2003); turn off with …NO_CHLORITE variable
- Added Supplemental Calculator-like function for unequilibrated solid phases
- Molar thermodynamic data file output for stable phases; oxygen properties included
- Fixed serious bug in …ALTERNATIVE_FO2
- Fixed assimilation of non-stoichiometric mineral phases
- Assimilation of opx uses input Fe2O3 value instead of assuming all Fe as FeO
- Improved PTgrid mode; starting guess migrates as P is incremented
- Introduced a TPgrid mode; starting guess moves with T
- New environment variable to stop …SKIP_FAILURE getting stuck in loop
- New environment variable (…QUICK_OUTPUT) does not store all equilibrium states
- Added "Limit coexisting:" line to .melts file (currently only works for solids)
1.7 (October 14th 2016)
- Fixed bug when trace H2O input as grams, rather than ppm
- Fixed minor bugs (mostly typos) in menu option 8
- Feldspar D(P,T,X) option distinguishes between plag and Ksp (with Xksp=1/3 cutoff)
- Fixed minor bugs in trace elements and selective fractionation
- Fixed bug in volume output file for liquid phase(s)
1.8 (November 15th 2017)
- Added interpolation in F or Phi to cubicquad
- Fixed bugs in volume output table, cubicquad output, and thermodynamic output file
- Tweaked phase diagram mode search for effective solidus (e.g. if MINPHI set)
- Can now buffer fO2 to an absolute value in log units
- Minor changes to how fO2 is output for main output and thermodynamic output file
- Can use thermodynamic output routine (menu option 15) as generalized oxybarometer
- Adjust trivial non-stoichiometry in pyroxene composition for thermodynamic output
- Fixed bug in pHMELTS for olivine-free assemblages
- Fix to Nd partition coefficient for hornblende in code and example file
- First version to specifically target the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)
- Made it easier to enable tab completion within alphaMELTS (especially on WSL)
- Other small changes in install.command, update.command, automatic updates etc.
1.8.1 (July 20th 2018)
- Fixed bug in thermodynamic data file if multiple copies of a phase
- Workaround for line endings bug (affects ptfile only)
- Fixed minor bug in volume table, mainly affecting fluid phase
1.9 (August 27th 2018)
- All possible values for fO2 Path from GUI version of melts_file now work
- Final / Increment for Temperature and Pressure set (settings file will override)
- Packaged version of with-readline works on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, which is WSL default
MD5 (as of July 7th, 2020):
197d7dbd45ec4ee53d38bc3998a26763 alphaMELTS_Lubuntu_32.ova
1f9f75cb0f554ad72914eb5670f3db72 alphaMELTS_Lubuntu_64.ova
SHA1 (as of July 7th, 2020):
257c8981f66bf2f5dee279ef6c988389d97d80b1 alphaMELTS_Lubuntu_32.ova
e603e81b285ddc0809a6727102ed863439b68d0b alphaMELTS_Lubuntu_64.ova