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alphaMELTS 2.2: Latest news…

As of May 31st, 2024, releases and source code are available at the alphaMELTS repository on GitHub. Release v2.3.0 there brings the suite of alphaMELTS software -- formerly alphaMELTS 2 (v2.2.1) and alphaMELTS for MATLAB/Python (v1.2.2) -- into one open-source repository. The same versioning is now applied to all interfaces, as the majority of edits are to the C library of MELTS functions that is common to all the software interfaces.

The binaries have been repackaged so that users need only download files for the platforms (MacOS, Windows, Linux) and alphaMELTS interface that they intend to use. This arrangement is transitional, while workflows are being developed to package the software for PyPI, Homebrew, CRAN, MATLAB File Exchange etc. The Caltech-hosted GitList repository and the GitLab-hosted private repository are being preserved as a placeholder for previous users of alphaMELTS 2, but no new members will be added to the alphaMELTS group.

As of November 18th, 2020 a major update was uploaded. Most changes to the executables were 'under the hood' and set up the code for rapid implementation of new features. So that version 2.0 has a very similar functionality to the previous version, which was the last 'beta' version (and was the alphaMELTS 2 included in the final VM alphaMELTS Lubuntu 18.04 virtual machine). The main changes are to the scripts, run-alphamelts.command and column-pick.command; those changes will be documented on the alphaMELTS 2 board on the forum soon.

As of June 27th, 2021 support for Apple Silicon has been added. The scripts have been updated to make installation smoother, add workarounds (e.g. for some university-administered systems), and new features added for processing and plotting output.

As of October 27th, 2021 new features have been added to the alphaMELTS 2 executables, plus minor bug fixes to the scripts (so this was given a 2.X.X tag). Assimilation now works for the GUI/easyMelts .melts file format, and with alphaMELTS-specific .melts file options that replace alphaMELTS 1.X assimilation using multiple .melts files. (A third mode of operation that will replace alphaMELTS 1.X assimilation using a binary file is coming soon.) The fO2 menu option has been enhanced, and adjustments to pure phase properties were made:

Tridymite and cristobalite were tuned to match experiments on natural compositions.
Rutile fixed (error in Tfus inherited from Samsonov), and adjusted for pMELTS.
Corundum adjusted for pMELTS, taking account of pMELTS adjustments to alumina liquid.

All of these phases tended not stabilized to be when they should be. These properties of these phases are now closer to correct, but you may need to suppress them if you are trying to recreate past simulations or performing calculations outside the narrow composition range for which there are constraints.

As of January 25th, 2023 'k-feldspar' has been renamed to 'alkali-feldspar' and options have been added so that assemblages with two alkali feldspars can be more easily reproduced. As of July 10th, 2023 the properties of rutile have been adjusted so its melting point is 1843 °C (see Borisov & Aranovich, 2020) and the standard state volume of apatite has been corrected.

To get email notifications when alphaMELTS 2 is updated

Select "Settings" in the dropdown for your GitLab profile (top righthand corner of browser window). Click "Notifications" in the lefthand panel and then choose "Watch" for the alphaMELTS2 repository. As of November 18, 2020, run-alphamelts.command will also check for updates against the server. However you need to be running alphaMELTS for the check to occur, whereas GitLab will automatically notify you when any new commits are uploaded.

Note that GitLab started capping the number of members in a group like the alphaMELTS group so email notifications stopped working. Past members of the alphaMELTS will be removed and added to the invidual repositories so they can still access alphaMELTS2 and MELTSMatlab history and be redirected to the newly combined alphaMELTS repository._

To get help with alphaMELTS 2 and other MELTS software

Visit the alphaMELTS 2 page for links to example files, documentation on the forum, contact details for software support etc.

Also, the drop-in Zoom "office hours" at the recent Thermodynamic Modeling of Magmatic Processes with alphaMELTS 2 workshop worked really well. We kept them going and opened them up to anyone in the alphaMELTS GitLab group who wanted help with alphaMELTS 2, alphaMELTS for MALTAB/Python or easyMelts. They were paused when the Zoom license was reverted but could be set up within the 40 min limit if there is interest (email

To download the alphaMELTS 2 files

On GitLab, you can either clone this repository or click the cloud symbol (next to the 'Web IDE button') to download a zip of all the files. For access on the MAGMA Source GitList server during alphaMELTS 2 workshops, click the zip or tar button. Alternatively, download individual files by clicking on the file name (you might need to select the 'Raw' option):

  • install2.command - install script, equivalent to install.command for alphaMELTS 1.9
  • run-alphamelts.command - alphaMELTS 2 can be run standalone but using this Perl script makes for an easier workflow, and tidier output files
  • file-format.command - tool to fix line endings on .melts and other files (see alphaMELTS 1.9)
  • column-pick.command - build custom output file tables (updated for alphaMELTS 2 with simpler operation and more options than in alphaMELTS 1.9)
  • alphamelts_linux - built on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS; tested on the Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, Arch Linux, and Fedora Remix Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)
  • alphamelts_macos - Universal binary built on macOS Big Sur (Intel) and Monterey (M1 chip); also tested on other macOS versions including Ventura (Intel and M1 chip), and to a lesser extent with M2 chip.
  • alphamelts_win64.exe - cross-compiled for native Windows 10 and 11

[Note that as of February 1st, 2020, both alphaMELTS 2 and alphaMELTS for MATLAB/Python have moved. If you cloned the repository before then you will need to change the configuration to point to 'alphaMELTS/alphaMELTS2' instead of 'magmasource/alphaMELTS2'. Also, as of November 18th, 2020, we are dicontinuing the older alphamelts64bit and alphamelts32bit builds that were used in the alphaMELTS Lubuntu Virtual Machine (VM).]

alphaMELTS 2 now has an install script, though not an update script. As long as you do not move the installation folder (usually the same as the downloaded folder), you should be able to update by simply replacing the run-alphamelts.command script and/or the alphamelts executable. More details below.

If you need trace element calculations or the pHMELTS model then we recommend installing 1.9 and 2 at the same time. We expect the transition from 1.X to 2 to be a few more months, but eventually alphaMELTS 2 will completely replace 1.X.

To install and update alphaMELTS 2 on Windows 10, 11 (native)

If you don't want to worry about installing Perl, then the recommended way to run alphaMELTS 2 on Windows is to use the Linux version in the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). However if, for example, you already have the native Windows version of alphaMELTS 1.9 and would like the same workflow, or if you are not able to use the WSL, then there is a fully-featured native Windows version of alphaMELTS 2.

Ideally you should have Perl installed. If you already use MATLAB (which includes Perl) or Anaconda (which makes installing Perl easy) then this step is simple. For users without admin access we recommend the portable version of Strawberry Perl; simply unzip the file and, optionally, move the folder to a more convenient location on your hard disk (the install2.command script will do the required set up later).

To use the install2.command script, you should be able to follow the instructions for alphaMELTS 1.9 from the alphaMELTS download page or manual, substituting 'install2.command' for 'install.command', and 'package' for the name of the download folder. Or you can follow this alphaMELTS 2 install link for Windows for brief instructions that have been updated to 'install2.command' etc. We suggest using the default settings (e.g. 'Documents\bin' as the folder to put links in).

If needed, follow instructions to make sure the links folder (probably 'Documents\bin') is in the Path. Now test the installation by navigating to the folder where your input files are. Type run-alphamelts.command -h and you should get a list of command line switches that can be used with the script. Type run-alphamelts.command and press return to make sure the alphamelts executable is working.

To update alphaMELTS 2 when there is a newer version, simply download and replace the run-alphamelts.command script and/or the alphamelts executable (see the latest Commit date and message above).

alphaMELTS 2 works best with Perl installed, but you can use it without. Make sure to put an "Output: tbl", or "Output: both" line in your .melts file, and then use the MELTS for Excel's "Combine tbl" tool on the output, as described on the alphaMELTS links page.

To install and update alphaMELTS 2 on Linux, MacOS, or Windows 10, 11 (WSL)

You should be able to run the install2.command script, by following the instructions for alphaMELTS 1.9 from the alphaMELTS download page or manual, substituting 'install2.command' for 'install.command', and 'package' for the name of the download folder. Or you can follow these alphaMELTS 2 install links for Linux, Mac, or Windows 10 (WSL) for brief instructions that have been updated to 'install2.command' etc. We suggest using the default settings (e.g. 'bin' or 'Documents/bin' as the folder to put links in).

[Note that you do not need to install 'with-readline', as alphaMELTS 2 has tab-completion and command history built in.]

If needed, follow instructions to make sure the links folder (probably 'bin') is in the Path. Now test the installation by navigating to the folder where your input files are (or use the included 'tutorial' folder). Type run-alphamelts.command -h and you should get a list of command line switches that can be used with the script. Type run-alphamelts.command and press return to make sure the alphamelts executable is working.

To update alphaMELTS 2 when there is a newer version, simply download and replace the run-alphamelts.command script and/or the alphamelts executable (see the latest Commit date and message above).

On macOS Big Sur, the first time you try to run alphaMELTS it may fail due to new security settings. Go to System Preferences -> Security & Privacy and select "Allow anyway".

Also note, the default shell since Catalina is zsh, but if you upgraded from Mojave then you may still have bash. One way to check is to open the Terminal program and type 'echo $0' (that is 'zero', not uppercase 'o') at the command line. In the past, if it said '-zsh' then you needed to type 'bash -l', before starting the run-alphamelts.command script. As of version alphaMELTS 2.1 you do not need to type 'bash -l', in fact it may not work if you do not. run-alphamelts.command will now run fine in bash or zsh and can also be double-clicked.

Source code

The source for alphaMELTS 2 will be posted on the ENKI Portal once the trace elements have been fully implemented etc. In the meantime, it is available on request, per the conditions of the GPLv3.