Here are some other useful igneous petrology, geochmemistry, thermodynamics and computing sites. More links will be added gradually, or please contact a web admin to make a suggestion...

MAGMA logo: a volcano with a fire fountain based on the Caltech logo

MELTS and related tools

Links to MELTS software and other tools available from the OFM Research Inc. site have been relocated to the alphaMELTS links page (see right).

Other thermodynamic models

Software for construction of standard phase diagrams and equilibrium phase diagrams (a.k.a. pseudosections) etc.; there is more emphasis on metamorphic phases in the thermodynamic databases and solution models than in MELTS, but they may still be useful for igneous systems:


Searchable databases of thermodynamic and geochemical data:

Teaching resources

Teaching resources for thermodynamics, petrology and geochemistry (more coming soon):

Computing and web resources

Most of these have been employed in development of this website, and the tools it hosts, and are listed in acknowledgement of just how useful they have been (thank-you, whoever you are!):