
alphaMELTS 2.3 standalone & for MATLAB/Python is now open source and available on GitHub (
alphaMELTS 1.9 is available at the legacy download and information site.
For news of all MELTS software see the MELTS Facebook page.

Main Menu

Software tools, support and development

A place to share tips and add-ons, such as scripts for plotting results. We welcome any comments or feedback about the software too and will try to accommodate suggestions.


Tips, tools & add-ons
If you have a useful script, macro or tip for importing data into commercial packages, such as MatlabTM or ExcelTM, then please consider sharing it with other MELTS users.

Posts: 24
Topics: 7

Last post: March 10, 2022, 03:49:27 PM Re: Change model version... by Paula

Bug reports and feature requests
If you suspect that any of the MELTS software is not behaving correctly, here's the place to report it. If you would like something added to alphaMELTS 2 / for MATLAB/Python, let us know.

Posts: 16
Topics: 5

Last post: March 02, 2021, 06:14:14 PM MOVED: Total failure of ... by Paula


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