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model crystallizing on variable P-T conditions

Started by foodeat, May 06, 2012, 06:29:51 PM

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Dear Paula,

My version is 32 bit Ubuntu MELTS/pMELTS. Website ( can not give instruction to model crystallizing on variable P-T conditions. Would you please help and give me some simple suggestions? I found it is difficult to model crystal fractionation in lower or middle crust.

Many thanks for your help.



Hi Zhangjinyang,

Sorry for the delay in replying. The is an older, but more complete, MELTS manual available at:

The Testing MELTS installation using the sample input file - Try this first example is working though as it is for fractional crystallisation and will also familiarise you with some of the file and menu options. Note that the manual is rather out of date in some respects. In particular the graphics output is disabled in current versions of the MELTS GUI.

When you say variable P-T do you mean that just want to be able to change the P-T conditions before starting the (isobaric) calculation? Or do you want to impose a particular P-T path as crystallisation proceeds? If the latter, please let me know some more details so we can select the best way to do that.
