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Error Message

Started by grantmcox, February 24, 2014, 10:09:53 PM

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Have been trying to get AFC going and have followed the numerous threads but I get the following error and do not know what it means.

Many thanks

How many AFC iterations to perform? 10
Superliquidus (1) or subsolidus (0) initial guess ? 1
Number of assimilant MELTS files (or '0' for binary input file
or negative value to use separate MELTS files for each phase): 0
Mass of enriching agent to be added in grams per cycle: 1.0
Assimilant filename: restart900.txt
alphamelts(3767,0x7fff72f69310) malloc: *** error for object 0x101801a00: pointer being freed was not allocated
*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
RUN_ALPHAMELTS.COMMAND WARNING: alphamelts may have crashed!

Also should the binary restart file be full of unintelligible characters (as mine is) or should it be a simple text file like most alphamelts output files?


Hi Grant,

Paula is out on maternity leave, so I'll try to help you. Yes, binary restart files are unintelligible to a human. For this reason, if no other, I think it is better if possible to use a MELTS input file format (which is plain text) for your assimilant. It may mean you have to edit such a file by hand to take whatever output you previously calculated and turn it into an assimilant, but the result will be easier to understand and debug. Can you do it that way?

-- P