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Setting 'bash' as the shell

Started by Paula, July 22, 2011, 04:49:42 PM

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As of July 22nd: I am in the process of documenting Adiabat_1ph 3 so that it may be released very soon. To that end I am posting some tips and examples etc....

Adiabat_1ph 3 requires that users use the 'bash' shell. On Macs with settings imported from early versions of OS X (e.g. Jaguar) or on Linux machines on a network that includes (or once included) Unix servers the default shell may be 'tcsh' or something similar. Type 'echo $SHELL' at the command line to see the shell program with its full path.

On Tiger users can permanently set 'bash' as their default shell by opening the 'NetInfo Manager' program from Applications->Utilities (click users->your account name; click the padlock to make a change; type '/bin/bash' in the shell box) and / or in Terminal Preferences by selecting Command.... On more recent versions of Mac OS X there is no 'NetInfo Manager' but you can use the 'Accounts' window of 'System Preferences' (click the padlock to allow changes, right-click or ctrl-click on the user name at the left hand side to choose 'Advanced Options...'; select '/bin/bash' from the drop down menu) and / or select the 'Startup' tab in the Terminal Preferences.

If you want to keep 'tcsh', say, as your default shell then you can simply type 'bash -l' (that's ' minus el' not 'minus one') at the command line just before running any of the .command scripts. You can also use 'install.command' by double-clicking it. After that, drag-and-drop mode should mostly work as described in the manual (i.e. without the need to switch to 'bash'). If, when you double-click the run_adiabat.command link, the run_adiabat.command script is unable to find adiabat_1ph then make a copy of the adiabat_1ph_macosx32 (or 64) executable in the installation folder and call it simply adiabat_1ph.
